The Collective Unconscious: The force that pushes us forward in our evolution and saves us from the present

Morrigan’s Way
6 min readNov 29, 2019

I recently watched a documentary about the controlling elite and the evil plots they carry out unbeknownst to the rest of us low-level automatons. The Secret Rulers of the World is a five-part documentary series, produced by World of Wonder Productions and written, directed by, and featuring Jon Ronson. I lost interest in this conspiracy theory long before the documentary was finished and actually turned it off pondering the fear and irrational thought that had led to someone thinking this was possible. I also wondered why I didn’t believe in this theory at all. It occurred to me, that as a witch, I give my fellow humans much more credit than they had in this film. I found that the fundamental beliefs I have about the goodness found in humanity would not allow me to swallow this theory because it conflicted with everything I know and believe to be true about humanity and its beauty. Here’s why:

I am a believer in the works of Carl Jung. He’s done great things for the magical community at large in exploring the collective unconscious, among other things like the archetypes. Jung posits that the term ‘refers to structures of the unconscious mind which are shared among beings of the same species.’ per To expand on that in simpler terms, it means that what our ancestors have learned has been handed down to us as a people and is accessible in one’s psyche should we choose to become attuned to it. On October 19, 1936, Jung delivered a lecture “The Concept of the Collective Unconscious” to the Abernethian Society at St. Bartholomew’s Hospital in London.[7] He said:

My thesis then, is as follows: in addition to our immediate consciousness, which is of a thoroughly personal nature and which we believe to be the only empirical psyche (even if we tack on the personal unconscious as an appendix), there exists a second psychic system of a collective, universal, and impersonal nature which is identical in all individuals. This collective unconscious does not develop individually but is inherited. It consists of pre-existent forms, the archetypes, which can only become conscious secondarily and which give definite form to certain psychic contents.[8]

I, for one, know that the wisdom of the ancients resides in my mind and soul just as certainly as I know I am a woman, a human being, and a mother. There is a deep sense of peace in knowing this and it comforts me when considering whether or not a group of the global elite could take over and control the world. I know this would not be possible. The wisdom of our ancestors dwells in us and ushers us to resist such a phenomenon.

When I open myself up to the wisdom of the ancients, I draw on a deep sense of understanding about the world and mankind. I have a profound sense of knowing that makes me aware of my place in this life. I am a part of something much greater than myself, a spirit having a bodily experience. I am propelled forward to do things that benefit the world around me and I know that I am not alone. Far from it. There is a community of individuals just like me out in the world working diligently toward the good of the whole world. It’s the magical community among others that have taken this path as well. But we are legion.

There was a time in the eighties and nineties that I was very worried about the state of the world. People seemed to be incredibly selfish everywhere I looked, climate change and the environment didn’t seem to bother anyone, there was the threat of nuclear annihilation every day when I went to school and practiced nuclear fall-out drills, and the cold war loomed over our heads as a constant reminder that every day could be your last. The racial tensions and divide seemed to have no promise of ever being resolved and I felt that the women’s rights movement had stalled out and had no promise of changing anything more for our gender than what it had already accomplished. This could have been the result of who I was around but I don’t think that’s entirely the case.

As I have gotten older, I have noticed a profound change in the world. It appears to me that we are on a path to a brighter future. I notice that women are breaking barriers left and right. I notice that more and more people are fighting for awareness and change in our society as to how we address climate change and the environment’s issues. There are whole communities dedicated to green living and the ecosystem. I notice that the racial divide has improved and continues to do so on an upward trend. I have found it heartwarming to see the backlash against gender bias, gun violence and the current Commander in Chief. Just take a look at the #bluewave and #votebluenomatterwho forums trending on twitter and see the massive scale of these opinions if you haven’t already done so.

So why do I not buy the ‘controlling global elite’ dogma and conspiracy theory? Because it isn’t possible, in my opinion. How can you fool those that have inherent knowledge coded into their DNA when they are born. To me, this proposes that we are somehow programmable by external forces that are going against the tide of information flowing through our minds possessed by all those that came before us, our ancestors. Can you actually fool that many people who have learned the lessons of time immemorial? I don’t see how that’s even possible, let alone plausible.

When you search for an article that might pertain to the ruling elite conspiracy theory, it comes back with all the proponents of such an idea and why they believe it. I found none related to why you should not believe this theory. Is that because they are out there busy saving the world instead of spreading fear and conspiracy theories online to create mass chaos and panic? They are out being the doers instead of the inciters?

Now, for clarification, I don’t think that being afraid of such a concept is a bad thing. In fact, it’s healthy to look at any potential for this concept to come to pass and do what we need to in order to prevent it. It would be foolish to hand over our power as a whole to the few elites without a fight. I don’t downplay the idea that we need to be aware of what’s going on in the world. But I do not believe it is going on nor do I think that we will ever let it happen as a society.

I give us a lot of credit as a species. I do this knowing that we all have been learning and evolving since we began. Its the trend toward enlightenment that I am banking on with my current positive viewpoint. We, as a species, have been gathering data about ourselves and the world around us since we became cognitive of ourselves. We have stumbled in the past and had to make corrections but that has always happened. Perhaps there were periods of time when a ruler came into power and suppressed one group of people, a portion of the society as a whole, and no doubt that’s the case with Nazi Germany and other tyrannical governments of the past, but at no time in the history of humans has one group controlled the entire rest of humanity. As the saying goes, you can fool some of the people all the time and all the people some of the time, but you can’t fool all the people all the time.

It would have to be possible for the ruling elite to fool everyone all the time in order for this conspiracy theory to be factual. I don’t think it is possible that as humans with as many different viewpoints and personalities along with the wisdom of every ancestor that has ever lived coded into our psyche, able to be accessed should we choose to do so, that this is possible nor sustainable. And what is power if not sustainable?

Call me crazy but I just don’t think this is a rational fear.

But, of course, as a thinking individual with magic in my veins, I commune with my ancestors and receive messages that I intend to pay heed to. Maybe the conspiracy theorists should do this as well, listen to their spirit guides. It must be a lonely existence without them being there to help you along your path.

This is just one witch’s opinion……

Courage and strength move like the steadfast waves of the ocean. Ebbs and flows, highs and lows, loud and soft, firm and vulnerable, passing encouragement from one generation to the next.

Lynda Nguyen, Freedom and Feminism: Breaking The Rules. Telling The Truth To Freedom.

There is this visceral energy, wild wisdom, living, breathing, and moving through my body that remembers, even though I don’t. It knows all.

Lynda Nguyen



Morrigan’s Way

New witchy fiction novelist writing thought provoking coming of age novels about a main character using historical period of ancient Celts. #nanowrimo #witch